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How I improved my productivity as a Solopreneur?

Hi Everyone,
I was worked in the software field for 8+ years. My dream is always to start my own business. Finally last year I was able to step into my dream and started my journey as a “Solopreneur”.

As I started my journey as a Solopreneur the first thing I faced was the issue of not planning the tasks properly. In my initial stages of business, I switched between multiple tasks. It was resulted lacks in finishing the tasks. So overall no momentum had been created.

So I eagerly want to fix this productivity issue. I studied about productivity methods to align the tasks. The most suitable productivity method for me is “Time Blocking”. It is one of the great productivity method.

Time Blocking is blocking your certain time with certain categories of work. For example, blocking time by categories like Email marketing, Deep work, Social media posting, etc. Each category can have multiple tasks within it based on your day and tasks streamlined in the same category.

Initially, I implemented the time blocking for 5 hours a day. so I can practice sticking with the plan as time is blocked.

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For the remaining hours, I continued work like I previously did. After practicing time blocking I can see an increase in my productivity and momentum in my Solopreneur journey.

So I started time blocking more hours for a day. Currently, I am able to finish the tasks as planned and I can feel satisfaction in what I am doing.

Thank you so much for reading my article and follow for more articles on the Solopreneur journey. Like to learn more about the Time Blocking Productivity method: https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/time-blocking

Follow my journey in : https://twitter.com/locominder

My website: https://locominder.com/templates/

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